Ninite Solution is separate from your Ninite Pro subscription.

  • Ninite Solution is not written or supported by Ninite (Creators of Ninite)
  • Ninite Solution is not written or supported by ConnectWise, Inc.

Please note that this information is provided in confidence and as is; whilst extensive testing on this solution and its components have been performed. Michael Priest makes no guarantee that this package will work as described, and is not responsible for damage caused by making any of the modifications described in this document.

Installation of Ninite Solution will modify your LabTech system by installing but not limited to the following components: Scripts, Database Tables, Plugin.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me on:

Welcome to Ninite Solution Documentation. You will find all the information you need to Install, Configure and Use Ninite Solution.

To get started you can find details on Installing Ninite Solution 

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