This page is a work in progress
With the release of ConnectWise Automate 2021 there have been some changes made which prevents the Plugin Installer from communicating with the Automate Database which allowed for the installation of Plugins and their required dependencies.
Due to this change the Installer now requires that a small plugin be manually installed to your automate server using the Plugin Manager, the sole purpose of this plugin is to facilitate the communication between the Installer and the ConnectWise Automate system allowing for the successful management of Plugins and their required dependencies.
Installing the Helper
To Install the Helper Plugin simply follow the steps outlined below.
Download the Plugin and Extract to a Folder of your choosing
Open the ConnectWise Automate Control Center
Open the Plugin Manager
Navigate to “Add Plugin” Advanced > Manage Plugins > Add Plugin
Browse to MP.Plugin.Installer.Helper.dll as extracted in Step 1 and select Open
Review the details and select Save and Close