Nightly Builds have had limited testing, if you encounter any issues please email them through to

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Ninite Solution has been tested with the following versions of Software


File Cleanup

Where no Network Cache was provided Ninite Pro would download and store the files locally to be re-used at a later date, which overtime could lead to a large amount of disk space going to waste, Ninite Solution has previously leveraged the Temporary Files Cleanup within Automate to prune and remove these files however it seems a more and more choose not to leverage this command.

The cleanup process for these files has now been moved to be apart of the Application Maintenance script, any and all files that exist within C:\Windows\LTSvc\packages\MP\Ninite\NiniteDownloads will be deleted if they are more than 30 days old.

The deletion is being completed by a Powershell Command within the script and requires a minimum version of Powershell 3.0 to be successful.

Application Support


Remember to update your approvals for Ninite Solution to be able to take action against any new Applications.

Remember to update your approvals for Ninite Solution to be able to take action against any new Applications.


Install this Update

There is currently a single method for installing or updating Ninite Solution.

The Plugin Installer
  1. Ensure that the Enable Nightly Builds option is selected on the Global Configuration tab under the heading "Advanced Options"

  2. Follow Update Instructions