Advanced Usage

Advanced Usage

This document will outline advanced use cases for the Application Maintenance script.


Audit Only Mode

This section outlines how to run the Application Script in an Audit Only mode to populate the Audit Details

Schedule against a Group

You can schedule Ninite Solution to run the Application Maintenance script in Audit Only mode by following these steps.

  1. In the LabTech Control Center navigate to your desired Group using the Navigation Tree.

  2. Right click on your desired group and Select Edit Group
  3. Navigate to the Scheduled Scripts tab and add a schedule for "MP - Ninite - Application Maintenance" Script.

    Ensure that you update the schedule to meet your requirements

  4. Now select Advanced Settings and add the Parameter auditOnly=1


  5. Click the Add button and you are done.


Run Against a Single Computer

Run the Script "MP - Ninite - Application Maintenance" against the computer you wish to perform the audit against, when prompted with the Script Schedule window you will need to populate the parameter auditOnly with the value of 1.


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