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Release Date

August 8th, 2014

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  • Ninite Solution Dashboard has undergone a face-lift
  • Ninite Solution Global Settings has been redesigned to be easier to use and navigate giving you a cleaner and more user friendly experience. 
  • Added a new option under the Global Setting's screen, "Automatically Exclude Applications when Unsupported" and is enabled by default, this feature will automatically exclude unsupported applications at the computer level
  • Resolved Issue with the Ninite Solution button that Opens the Dashboard only being visible for users with System Config Access or Higher
  • Resolved an issue that was causing Historic information to be incorrectly removed in associated with the Audit Record Clean-up
  • Notification Framework has been built-into the plugin, this will be used to notify on licensing errors as well as critical issue communication
  • Added Ninite Pro Expiration Detection - Currently this will Output to the Script Logs Only.
  • Resolved an issue where the auto white listing wasn't working when running the Application Maintenance Script.

User Interface Changes

The Global Settings Window has been re-designed from the ground up providing a better flow and consolidating some settings into simple to navigate and use screens, the Location and Computer screens should be completed for the next release bringing all screens into one design format, i hope you find this an improvement.

The documentation is still being updated to reflect the new changes so if you have any questions regarding the new design or need further clarification on an option please feel free to submit a request to support@michaelpriest.com.au 

Notification Window

The Notification window is a feature that I've added to the Solution that can be used in the event of a critical notification is required and is displayed to all users within your system that have user level of Super Admin, the purpose behind this window is to notify you in the event of licensing issues, errors or expiration, each notification will be shown once per session within the Control Center and can be closed or acknowledged.

  • Acknowledging the notification will mean you will never see it again.
  • Closing the notification will mean that you will see this notification again the next time you reload the control center. How to Install this Update

Using the Plugin Installer

Using the Plugin Installer method is currently the preferred method for installing Updates.

  1. Follow Steps 1-5 under Installing Ninite Solution
  2. Reload the LabTech Control Center


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